River Rose Photo Co

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Bear Hunting in the Backcountry

Bear Hunting in Wyoming

In spring of 2019 I was lucky enough to capture a bear hunting expedition in the back country of Wyoming. After a week full of pre-sunrise wake ups, and miles upon miles on the trail, here are some of my highlights from the trip.

Starting things off my scouting some elk and orienting ourselves on the mountain

Gear essentials for back county hunting

Spring popping through even at the highest of elevations, along with a few deer friends

Starting off another day on the same mountain and exploring deeper down a few trails that were through to be promising after the previous day of scouting.

Navigating through pockets of deep snow left over from a harsh winter on the mountain

Heading back in for the day after a solid morning of hunting and setting trail camera’s


Spent the next few days exploring some new territory after being unsuccessful on our first mountain, our new terrain came with a lot more snow and pines

Came across quite a few moose at this higher elevation and I was lucky enough to snap a few shots of a Momma moose and her baby with my zoom lens making sure to keep a safe distance as to not disrupt of upset this adorable pair

Nothing better than a jetboil second breakfast on the trail

Hard earned breakfast on the tailgate

Another fun, yet unsuccessful few days on our new mountain. Nothing left to do but live and learn for next year!